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Marijuana Mind

Oct 30, 2020

Holly Bell is serves as Director of Cannabis for the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. She joins the show to deliver the scoop on how the front line of legalization is changing in 2020 and what we can expect going into 2021. 

Holly also shares her thoughts on our series question of why cannabis is...

Oct 23, 2020

Dave Howard is a national magazine editor and award-winning author. We had him on the Canna Guy's because of an outstanding article that he published in Leafly back in March. Be sure to also check out his oh-so-hot-takes on his twitter account


Oct 16, 2020

This week on the podcast we are honored to have Rep. Carlos Smith. He has been an outspoken advocate for the medical and recreational use of cannabis. He supported Amendment 2, a proposed constitutional amendment to legalize medical marijuana, in 2016. The initiative passed overwhelmingly, forcing the...

Oct 9, 2020

Dustin Robinson is licensed in Florida as an Attorney, a Certified Public Accountant, and a Real Estate Agent. He focuses his practice on providing legal, accounting, financial, and business consultation to various businesses operating in the hemp and marijuana industries.

Dustin delivers some unique insight on how he...

Oct 2, 2020

State Senator Jeff Brandes joins the guys to explore a legislators point of view on this series's question. Jeff Brandes's thinking on Cannabis is largely informed by his libertarian tendencies along with an understanding of how other states have been positively impacted by its legalization. 

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