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Marijuana Mind

Mar 25, 2021

Sally Peebles is back this week to talk about the Women's Initiative for a Safe and Equitable Florida.
Sally talks about the coming together of this new advocacy organization, and the need for the work they will start doing on March 25th when they officially launch!
Check out their website when they launch to see their...

Mar 12, 2021

Special guest Sally Kent Peebles joins Dr. Davis and Scott Burgard for this weeks episode! She is a lawyer in the Jacksonville area at the Vicente Sederberg law firm which deals with cannabis on a national level.
Among discussion is the recent development of THC cap legislation that has hit Florida and other states, a...

Mar 5, 2021

Happy 50th episode! Hopefully you have been with us a while and some of you have even listened to all 50 until this point. Stay with us as we shoot for 100!
Besides this exciting milestone, hear as the Canna Guys dig into the recent stock volatility as well as an exciting announcement about the Florida Cannabis Action...